IRTE Flow Engine
Engine for future IR Tech sport apps
This project follows the flavor of semver used by pub. This has some key differences from the regular semver, see pub_semver.
Latest version
Changes and fixes are documented in
Refer to this package as a dependency using the git URL, see Git packages.
ref: v0.0.1
Development Guide
Package resolution
To use this repository for development, simply use the path to refer to the location of this package from another project (e.g. Sample App).
See Path packages
Commit Hooks
git_hooks is used to run commands at each hook during the git lifecycle and enforce certain rules. If any of the commands return a failure status or throw an error, the git commit is aborted.
Before your first commit please ensure the hooks are initialized in your environment by running.
flutter pub run git_hooks create bin/git_hooks.dart
Code Fixes
Apply automated fixes to Dart source code.
The dart fix
tool is used to look for and fix analysis issues that have associated automated fixes.
Whitespace is formatted using the dart format
Linting is performed with the dart analyze
command. The rules for analysis are provided for by flutter_lints and any modifications can be found in the analyzer_options.yaml
Commit Message
The commit message is validated against Convention Commit Format using the lintCommit function from conventional We need this to ensure a clean, auto generated changelog.
type[(scope)?]: description
The first line of the commit message type[(scope)?]: description
is called the header.
This line should not exceed 100 characters
Type (required)
Must be one of the following (lower case only):
: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: pub)ci
: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)docs
: Documentation only changesfeat
: A new featurefix
: A bug fixperf
: A code change that improves performancerefactor
: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a featurerevert
: If the commit reverts a previous commit, it should begin withrevert:
, followed by the header of the reverted commit. In the body it should say:This reverts commit <hash>.
, where the hash is the SHA of the commit being
: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)test
: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests The type can be one of the following. This is case sensitive and must be written in lower case.
, ci
, docs
, feat
, fix
, perf
, refactor
, revert
, style
, test
, chore
Scope (optional)
Scope is optional; multiple scopes are supported (current delimiter options: "/", "" and ",")`
Description (required)
A brief description of changes being committed.
Body (optional)
This consists of one or more lines of text preceeded by a new line. This can be used to provide further details of changes in the current commit.
Breaking change (optional)
Indicate a breaking change in a new line below the header by starting a line with BREAKING CHANGE:
. This would then be followed by a brief desription of the breaking change on that line.
References (optional but encouraged)
One or more references can be included to link taks/issues with a commit.
This may follow one or more words indicating how the reference relates to the commit e.g. Solves #FLOW-12
fix(audio-engine): pause playback
A body describing this commit in more detail.
The body in this example is multi-line.
BREAKING CHANGE: This is a breaking change because of X Y Z.
Fixes #FLOW-1
Post commit
Docs generation
is used to create API reference documentation from the source code. For guidance on writing doc comments, see the documentation part of Effective Dart.
Run tests
flutter test
The Unit tests will be checked. Any failing test will stop the commit.
CI Pipelines
CI pipelines are executed using Bitbucket pipelines. Current configuration can be found in bitbucket-pipelines.yml.
Code coverage
Code coverage is generated using the test command flutter test --coverage
This will generate a file that is ignored by source control at coverage/
This step is done automatically by Bitbucket CI within the pipeline and results are sent to Codecov for analysis.
This step is done for each Pull Request commit and for merges to the develop
The current coverage can be viewed at the CodeCov Dashboard.
No current code coverage limit is set.
In the future, this may be set and required.
Ignore lines from coverage
// coverage:ignore-line to ignore one line.
// coverage:ignore-start and // coverage:ignore-end to ignore range of lines inclusive.
// coverage:ignore-file to ignore the whole file.
Release/Changelog generation
The changelog is automatically generated and updated based on the commit messages of the commits present within a release.
Automatic changelog generation is produced using conventional.
This will be done for pubspec.yaml
Important: Don't commit other changes while doing a release. Commit them separately. Important: Make sure your working directly is clean. Important: Follow SemVer
To make a release, you can simply use flutter run scripts/release.dart
. This will use the nextVersion
function of conventional to determine the next version for the release based on the commits since the previous release.
Once the changes are made for the release then run git push --follow-tags origin master
to push the changes to the repository
- adapter_factory
- adapters
- alias
- analytics
- analytics_bindings
- analytics_controller
- analytics_observer
- api_endpoint.interface
- api_rest_client
- app
- app_resumed_load_settings
- app_started_log_event
- app_state
- app_state.bindings
- app_state.enum
- app_state_controller
- apple.adapter
- apple_auth_credentials.model
- auth
- auth.bindings
- auth_adapter.enum
- auth_adapter.interface
- auth_authenticated_load_user.listener
- auth_controller
- auth_credentials.model
- auth_payload.model
- auth_rest_client
- auth_status.enum
- auth_token.model
- auth_unauthenticated_remove_user.listener
- auth_workflow_controller
- authenticated_log_event
- bearer_http_client
- bg_geolocation
- bg_geolocation_bindings
- bg_geolocation_config
- bg_geolocation_controller
- bg_geolocation_gps_accuracy
- bg_geolocation_list_extension
- bg_geolocation_location_extension
- bg_geolocation_stopwatch_extension
- brick.g
- clients
- conversion_extensions
- convert
- countdown
- countdown_controller
- countdown_milestone
- countdown_model
- countdown_repeat
- create_split_time
- credentials.adapter
- device
- Settings and access to device functionality and sensors
- device_information
- device_information_bindings
- device_information_controller
- device_information_model
- device_settings
- Device Settings module
- device_settings_bindings
- device_settings_controller
- device_settings_model
- device_settings_storage
- distance_matcher
- distance_traveled
- distance_traveled_trigger_notification
- distinct_distance
- duration_extensions
- engine.bindings
- engine.config
- engine.modules
- engine.version
- engine_model.interface
- engine_model_controller.interface
- engine_notification
- engine_notification_dispatcher
- engine_notification_parameter
- engine_notification_parameter_unit
- engine_notification_type
- ensure_trailing_slash
- enums
- error_response
- event_listener.interface
- events
- extensions
- facebook.adapter
- full_km_value
- full_name
- gps_pipelines_listeners_models
- gps_update_pipeline
- gps_update_pipelines
- identifiable.interface
- interfaces
- interfaces
- irte_engine
- Engine for future IR Tech sport apps
- json
- key_value_storage
- language
- language_bindings
- language_controller
- language_service
- list_extensions
- listeners
- listeners
- listeners
- location_json
- location_update
- location_update_listener
- location_update_to_distance_traveled
- location_update_to_flow_item
- location_update_to_run_result
- matcher_interfaces
- memory_storage
- minor_plugin_event
- model_controller
- model_controller.interface
- model_listener.interface
- model_storage
- models
- models
- models
- models
- models
- name.interface
- notification
- notification_bindings
- notification_dispatchers_service
- notification_interfaces
- notification_models
- notification_queue_service
- number_extensions
- on_location_transform_to_update
- operations
- payload
- pipeline_connection
- pipeline_flow_item
- pipeline_operation
- pipeline_operation_registry
- pipeline_processes
- pipelines
- pipelines_binding
- pipelines_config
- plugin_event
- plugin_priority.enum
- race_day
- race_day_controller
- race_day_events
- rest
- rest_client
- rest_exceptions
- run
- run
- run_bindings
- run_controllers
- run_file
- run_file_endpoint_helper
- run_file_upload_service
- run_file_upload_status
- run_init_clear_run_locations
- run_init_create_run
- run_init_start_location_updates
- run_listeners
- run_location
- run_location_controller
- run_location_extensions
- run_location_odometer
- run_models
- run_odometer_controller
- run_result
- run_result_controller
- run_services
- run_started
- run_started_trigger_notification
- run_state
- run_stopped_create_run_file
- run_stopped_destroy_location_updates
- run_stopped_finalize_run
- run_stopped_stop_location_updates
- run_workflow_controller
- run_workflow_states
- schema.g
- settings
- settings.bindings
- settings_change_load_speech_pack
- settings_controller
- settings_model
- settings_storage
- settings_units
- simple_storage
- speech
- speech_condition
- speech_condition_match
- speech_condition_matcher
- speech_condition_models
- speech_condition_parameter
- speech_condition_running_mode
- speech_dispatch_controller
- speech_listeners
- speech_matcher_registry_controller
- speech_matchers
- speech_pack
- speech_pack_bindings
- speech_pack_controllers
- speech_pack_download_controller
- speech_pack_file_controller
- speech_pack_listeners
- speech_pack_model_controller
- speech_pack_models
- speech_pack_progress
- speech_pack_states
- speech_pack_status_storage
- speech_pack_storage_controller
- speech_pack_sync_controller
- speech_pack_sync_endpoint_helper
- speech_pack_workflow
- speech_pack_workflow_controller
- speech_package
- speech_package_client
- speech_package_controller
- speech_package_status
- speech_player_controller
- split_time
- split_time
- split_time
- split_time_bindings
- split_time_cheat_calculator
- split_time_endpoint_helper
- split_time_pipeline
- split_time_pipeline_json
- split_time_position_type_enum
- split_time_rule
- storage
- storage.bindings
- successful_response
- sync
- sync_bindings
- sync_config
- sync_controller
- sync_endpoint_helper
- sync_generator_helper
- sync_model
- sync_model_controller
- sync_model_state
- sync_repository
- sync_state
- system_filter
- to_json
- unauthenticated_remove_auth_token.listener
- unit_condition_matcher
- upload_split_time
- user
- user
- user.bindings
- user_controller
- user_management
- user_sync_endpoint_helper
- utils
- value_condition_matcher
- wallpaper_model
- wallpaper_type_enum
- workflow
- workflow
- workflow
- workflow_container
- workflow_controller.interface
- workflow_interface_aliases
- workflow_listener.interface