IRTECH Business Franchise Prototype
This documentation contains the definition and all manuals for the IRTECH Business franchise. This ensures that IRTECH GmbH is run as an company based on systems and not on people.
List of contents
A list of roles representing various responsibilities within the IRTECH Franchise Prototype.
The stakeholder is partial or full owner of that particular IRTECH Instance.
Basic responsibilities:
- Business Growth: How to extend IRTECH into the Market
Process Manager
The process manager is responsible for designing the actual FranchisePrototype. This works over any IRTECH instance.
- Evaluation of processes
- Enhancements of processes
Project Manager
Is responsible for various projects and must make sure that the IRTECH Project Cycle is properly implemented through the project. Each project has one assigned Project Manager. Does all the customer Contact and has Customers assigned to him based on Skills & Projectsize.
- Has direct customer access
- Gathers all requirements from user
- Represents a project within the IRTECH Instance.
- Has to make sure that all assigned resources to that particular project are working properly
- Has to make sure the various processes are followed properly.
Requirements Engineer
Has basic knowledge about how a project is structured and creates technical concepts.
- Creates a requirements package from the input from Project Manager.
Technical Manager
Does various reviews within the Feature Cycle.
- Reviews implementation concept
- Reviews code of particular features
- Integrates software into main branches
Does the actual technical work. Technicians can be external or internal and are separated into sub roles.
Software developer
Creates & implements software based on features.
- Creates implementation concept for features
- Implements features
Graphic Designer
Creates & designs various design relevant stuff.
General processes
A list of processes which can be found within IRTECH.
Internal Accountant
Does the accounting work within the IRTECH Instance. Pay all external invoices, salaries and sends payment receipts. Has Access to Banking & Booking Software.
IRTECH Requirements Cycle
This process represents the phase where a project is initialized & evaluated for realization.
IRTECH Feature Cycle
This process represents a single feature within a project. Each feature goes through this particular process.