user_management library Null safety
- AdapterFactory
- Wrapper class for authentication using the appropriate AuthAdapterAbstract
- AppleAuthCredentials
- Wrapper for AuthorizationCredentialAppleID to support json encoding
- AppleSignInAdapter
- The adapter that handles credentials login using implemented server instance
- AppleSignInError
- AuthAdapterAbstract
- The base class for all authentication adapters facilitating login
- AuthController
- A controller to manage authentication within the app
- AuthCredentials
- The payload for a credentials authorization
- AuthCredentialsAdapter
- The adapter that handles credentials login using implemented server instance
- AuthenticatedLoadUserListener
- Listener to load user when auth workflow transitions to authenticated state
- AuthPayload
- The payload to be used for authentication with AuthController
- AuthSocialPayload
- The payload to be sent to server when authenticating with a social provider
- AuthToken
- Authentication token received from backend on login
- AuthWorkflowController
- Workflow controller for authentication
- FacebookAuthAdapter
- The adapter for facebook logins
- UnAuthenticatedRemoveUserListener
- Listener to remove user when auth workflow transitions to unauthenticated state
- User
- This class represents a user authorized to access the application
- UserController
- Controller managing user logged into the application
- AuthAdapter
- Adapter to use for login
- AuthStatus
- Represents the status of the app authentication