CountdownMilestone<T> class Null safety

Countdown to an mielstone occurring at a specific duration from the completion of a parent Countdown



CountdownMilestone({required Countdown parent, required T event, required Duration fromEnd})


completed BehaviorSubject<bool>
Has countdown completed
final, inherited
completesIn Stream<Duration>
Emits the duration to completion every second
read-only, inherited
completion DateTime
The completion of this milestone
read-only, override
completion$ Rx<DateTime>
Observable completion
read / write, inherited
event → T
Event occuring at the end of the countdown
final, inherited
fromEnd Duration
Duration from the end of the parent countdown that this event reaches completion
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
initialCompletion DateTime
Initial time of completion
final, inherited
isCompleted → dynamic
Has the completion time passed
read-only, inherited
isNotCompleted → dynamic
Has the completion time not passed
read-only, inherited
milestones Map<T, CountdownMilestone<T>>
Milestones relative to the completion
final, inherited
parent Countdown
Parent Countdown to which this milestone is related
repeats CountdownRepeat?
Duration until the completion of the next instance of this countdown when the current countdown is completed
@JsonKey(toJson: CountdownRepeat.repeatToJson), read / write, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
storage SimpleStorage<String>
Storage for completion overrides
read / write, inherited
withMilestones Map<T, Duration>
Map of event names to the Duration from the completion to the milestone TODO: Allow this to take a function to calculate the final date time from the countdown completion datetime
final, inherited


milestoneCompletedFor(T event) bool
Returns if the milestone for the given event has completed
milestoneFor(T event) Countdown<T>?
Get the milestone for the given event
milestoneNotCompletedFor(T event) bool
Returns if the milestone for the given event has not been completed
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
restoreInitialCompletion() Future<void>
Restore inital completion date time
setNextCompletion(int sinceCompletion) Future<void>
Calculates the time of next completion with the duration sinceCompletion
toString() String
A string representation of this object. [...]
updateCompletion(DateTime completion) Future<void>
Time of completion


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator. [...]