SpeechPlayerController class Null safety

Speech player





hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
hasListeners bool
read-only, inherited
initialized bool
Checks whether the controller has already been initialized.
read-only, inherited
isClosed bool
Checks whether the controller has already been closed.
read-only, inherited
isPlaying BehaviorSubject<bool>
Is audio currently playing
read / write
listeners int
read-only, inherited
onDelete InternalFinalCallback<void>
Internal callback that starts the cycle of this controller.
final, inherited
onStart InternalFinalCallback<void>
Called at the exact moment the widget is allocated in memory. It uses an internal "callable" type, to avoid any @overrides in subclases. This method should be internal and is required to define the lifetime cycle of the subclass.
final, inherited
playlist PublishSubject<String>?
read / write
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


$configureLifeCycle() → void
addFiles(List<File> files) → dynamic
Add speech files to playlist
addListener(GetStateUpdate listener) Disposer
Register a closure to be called when the object notifies its listeners.
addListenerId(Object? key, GetStateUpdate listener) Disposer
dispose() → void
@mustCallSuper, inherited
disposeId(Object id) → void
To dispose an id from future updates(), this ids are registered by GetBuilder() or similar, so is a way to unlink the state change with the Widget from the Controller.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
notifyChildrens() → void
@protected, inherited
onClose() → void
Called before onDelete method. onClose might be used to dispose resources used by the controller. Like closing events, or streams before the controller is destroyed. Or dispose objects that can potentially create some memory leaks, like TextEditingControllers, AnimationControllers. Might be useful as well to persist some data on disk.
onInit() → void
Set up player on init
onReady() → void
Called 1 frame after onInit(). It is the perfect place to enter navigation events, like snackbar, dialogs, or a new route, or async request.
play() Future<void>
Start playing files
playFileAtPath(String path) Future<void>
Play the file at the given path
refresh() → void
@protected, inherited
refreshGroup(Object id) → void
@protected, inherited
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that the object notifies.
removeListenerId(Object id, VoidCallback listener) → void
stop() Future<void>
Stop playing
toString() String
A string representation of this object. [...]
update([List<Object>? ids, bool condition = true]) → void
Rebuilds GetBuilder each time you call update(); Can take a List of ids, that will only update the matching GetBuilder( id: ), ids can be reused among GetBuilders like group tags. The update will only notify the Widgets, if condition is true.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator. [...]